It was early in the morning of January 17, 1994, when a masked gunman entered the Leather's Oil Company gas station in Gresham, Ore. The three women working that day were well-known in the small community. Mary Beth Garey, 25, and her mother-in-law, Rosalie Girtz, as well as Kay Endicott, were all victims of a robbery gone wrong - a robbery that cops believe was committed by a young man Kay knew all too well: former Leather's employee Tyrom Theis.
Tyrom, or Ty to the locals, worked at the gas station in the months prior to January 17. Described as wholesome, on-time, and conscientious, Theis only had one spot of trouble during the time he worked at Leather's: he took $30 from the till, confessed, and was placed on suspension. During the forced leave, Theis eventually told his boss that he wouldn't be returning to work and that he needed "a change of scenery."
Investigators believe Theis targeted the gas station that Sunday morning because he knew the cash register would be full with the weekend's receipts. They also think he laid in wait, staking out his former workplace, until he made his move. What he may not have planned on was Kay working on January 17.
Once Theis had the cash, close to $9,000, he herded the three women into the garage workshop at gunpoint and ordered them to lie face-down on the floor. Cops say that's when he opened fire, shooting all three women in the head.
Police tell AMW that Theis didn't skip town right away, staying in town for a few days and going about his usual business. It wasn't until two accomplices cracked and confessed to authorities that Theis fled.
Fifteen years after the horrific triple murder, cops believe Theis is still in the United States and living under a new identity.
According to the AMW website, the suspected killer is six-feet-four inches tall and at the time of the murders weighed 180 pounds. He has brown hair and brown eyes. His habits at the time of his disappearance included chewing his nails down to the nub, drinking Jack Daniels and Budweiser, and smoking Marlboro Reds.
[This profile was compiled by Robert Brown of the AMW Staff. I have edited it.]
Scary. I hope they catch him!
I grew up with this guy. My dad worked with his dad a little. His family was known for racing mini-hydroplane boats. He was always a quiet mild mannered guy. I was shocked when I saw this on the news. He probably left the country, or committed suicide. I can't believe he hasn't been apprehended in all these years. If he was in the US he would have had contact with the police by now so that's why I think he's not here.
Tim Hurst
He will be found. I remember when this happened. I was 16. He scared the whole City of Gresham. Me and a bunch of friends have posted him on Facebook. I have also emailed AMW, to opefully have them Re-Air this story.
TODAY is the Anniversary of my Aunt Rosealie's MURDER. May the responsible people behind her, and her friend's, murder be forever- Mortal and Immortally- punished for their inhumanity!
I was on the grand jury that indicted this S.O.B. After interviewing the accomplises and detectives it was pretty evident that he did this crime.
I only hope that he is captured before I die so that maybe I can get the pictures of the crime scene and the autopsy photos out of my mind.
Rosalie Girtz is my Grandma I never got to meet her cause I was born in 1995 and she was killed in 1993. Thanks Ty! (Sarcasm)
Today is the 18th year anniversary of my Aunt Rosealie's murder. Would love to see it aired on AMW again cause its been 18 years now. I remember that terrible day as if it was yesterday. I had my daughter 9 days after my Aunt was killed and in honor of her I named her Rosealee after her. BTW the article above has the date wrong it was 1994, not 1993. RIP Aunt Rosealie we all love and miss you so much and hope that some day he is caught.
I remember this day as well. It was the same day as the Northridge earthquake. I just drove by where this happened and I think about the horrible thing that happened there. I feel sorry for the people that were left behind and hope that justice is served soon.
For the family and loved ones involved I grieve with you and share your sadness. I was hoping after many years that this case has been brought to justice. It pains my heart to find that this is not the case. For those who read or look at where this happened now, it visibly did not look that way when it happened. The road and intersections have been changed. Buildings added and some are gone. The station was truly at a cross roads back then and had easy access. I remember vividly the day this happened when a detective came pounding on our door that morning. The questions. The fear, sadness and hopelessness of not being able to help. It all happened so close. The duplex my family was living in at the time overlooked Leathers and the intersection. If you went out back of the business, looked up and to the right you would have seen our back deck. Did I hear anything? Noises, shots, cars, tires screeching, anything out of the ordinary? The detective looked down from our deck at the scene below and repeat his questions. Nothing.... so close but so helpless. It still haunts me to this day. The sirens, lights, the loss of life out my backdoor. My shock that someone is so cruel. Nothing like this has happened in the small town I came from but here I am in the big city and three innocent people are murder behind my home. From my deck I stared down at the business for many days after trying to recall that night for anything that might help catch the killer. I worried that my family might be a target for being so close. It troubled me deeply and that spring I moved my family away.
I wish I could have helped in some way. I hope that the family will some day find peace and justice.
I knew his father for quite some time as my mother-in-law dated him. His father beleives that his son, Ty, was drinking in a bar near Mt. Hood sometime afterwards and bragged about what he did. Afterwards, he left and the bartender noticed a couple of logger-type men followed him out and Ty was never seen again. His father beleived these two men killed him and buried his body somewhere in the Mt. Hood region. I sure hope that's the case.
I too remember very well when this happened. I drive by there often going to my brothers new home and wonder why that building is still standing there after all these years and all the changes made in that vicinity. As I drove by tonight on this Thanksgiving evening I began to think again about this horrific tragedy and came home to look up the story again. My heart goes out to these families this Thanksgiving evening. I pray this man is caught and that justice will be finally served.
Rosalie was my grandmother, I was 7 when it happened. I remember going on the news with my grandpa. Back then I didnt understand what was going on. At her funeral I didnt understand why she was so cold and everyone was crying. I wonder what my life would have been like if my grandma was still around, she had raised me from 6 months old to 7 years. I miss her everyday. I dont understand why he had to kill them. Why couldnt he just take the money and go.
It's been years since anyone posted here. But here it goes, I knew all the people involved in this case and was Ty's manager at one point. I was on Americas Most Wanted when they did their profile of the case. I talked to the detectives many times and was the one who told them that one of the accomplices was his cousin. Ty and his cousin, by may understanding, were both sleeping with the girl that was with them. It was she who broke down to her husband about knowing who committed the murders. It was he who called the police. Only problem being is he first called Ty and the cousin to tell them he knew what they had done and was going to call the police. By the time police started looking for Ty, he was gone.
When they came into my office to tell me that Ty was the killer, it was like somebody kicked me in the gut. I had to step outside I thought I was going to throw up. I had spent a lot of time around Ty. How could my perception have been so off. The cousin, that's a different matter.
I have thought often of this case and I too think Ty is dead somewhere in Mt. Hood National Forest only I don't think it was loggers. I have my own feelings on who is responsible.
Who do you think is then?
What happened to the female accomplice?
What happened to the female accomplice?
Please contact me MGHoney. I will check back in this forum, to see a post on how to do this.
Contact me please MGHoney.
Kay was a very close friend of mine. It was the day of the Northridge, earthquake here in California, so we didn't see the coverage of the shootings on our news. Her son called me the next day. I am still sick about it. I check often to see if they have captured Tyron. Kay was a fun and amazing person. I miss her !!
I went to school with him I was shocked when I first heard about this. Have they caught him yet.
No he hasn't been caught. The family and friends of these victims are holding a candlelight vigil this Sunday @ 5pm at the Leathers station on Orient Drive. It will be 22 years January 17th All are welcome. We want to pay our respects to Rosealie, Mary and Kay. We want people to be aware he is still out there and we want him caught.
Wish I could be there - but will be out of the country on a business trip. No connection to those involved - other than I was aware of the events on that morning when we heard about the earthquake while living just 5 miles away in Boring. Still think of this tragedy whenever I drive by.
If he's innocent, he should come forward. Our family deserves answers.
I knew the families of the woman killed/woman injured in the Dairy Mart Murder in Eugene Oregon early 90's. Thank God those 4 were caught...but following a review a decade later on a "Born Again" religious reality show, the kingpin went and murdered another inmate in cold blood and since then has sat on Death Row a couple decades. Another "adult" remained incarcerated at my last check, and the 2 17 year-olds were released at 21 despite taking part in one of the most heinous murders/attempted murder in Oregon History. I am so glad KOIN T.V. on 2/17/016 is revisiting this Leather's Gas Station Tragedy...although all follow ups blamed it on a Northwest Motorcycle gang forcing these kids to commit this Gresham crime. Sounds more like the Dairy Mart situation with juveniles run wild, although extreme addictions to Meth were also in play. I continueto work with youth to this day: the Eugene families were devastated as you would imagine... hard lives already were dealt the cruelest of blows. Life is SO UNFAIR.
Kay was my Granada and I am lucky enough to be named after her. I wish I could of had more time to spend with her. I'm visiting her grave this Sunday and I'll tell her you said hi.
I grew up with him also. His mom was my grandparents neighbor on SE 172nd ave in clackamas. He was framed
He was framed and I believe he was murdered by a cousin. I don't remember his name, but I think he had blonde hair. I grew up next door to Ty and Nolan ( his brother)
What makes you think he was framed?
Geeze I haven't herd about this till today! There seems to be alot of evidence pointing towards him to be framed...Lol but if he was then I'm sure whoever did is the reason he is gone...but I don't think that's the seems like he's either living under a new identity..probably no where in the us most likely Canada considering it's closest or he either found a very very very secluded spot and maybe he felt grief for what he did and ended it? I don't see many other options then that, it seems like his accomplices might know more then they do.intense story!
I've heard the "loggers" theory for years and don't believe it. If he was "bragging about this murder in a bar", somebody would have called the cops, not committed murder themselves. This was a huge story that shocked all of Portland. Ty is out there somewhere still. He's twice as old as when the crime occurred, but he's still a tall guy with buck teeth. Personally, I think he made it south of the border and could have ended up anywhere.
Hello, I'm Nolan's daughter Riley and would like to know more on your thoughts about Ty's case. If you could reply to this I'd be so grateful.
Hello Holly! I would like to know more of your thoughts on this case, if that'd be possible! Email me if you can! :)
I agree Holly, he's out there and someone knows where he's at.
That doesn’t really give much reasoning on why you believe he’s guilty.... I’m curious.
I also met/hung out w Ty, I didn’t KNOW him well, but he was very kind to me (this was literally a couple days before or after the murders too, though I didn’t know until i saw it on the news! His cousin was at the house too where we were hanging out. He was much more distant and kind of cocky/rude. I know this doesn’t mean much, but this whole thing has bugged me all these years.
I remember when this happened and I still think about it from time to time.
Such a sad event and my sympathies to the families. I can't imagine what they have gone through since this happened.
Several years ago while getting some change after a purchase at a store,I looked thru it,as I always do looking for rare coins ,I came across a quarter with the the name ty theis stamped into it in small letters on the face of the coin.
I recognized the name but didn't remember why right away...then it hit me like a brick.
I figured that someone stamped his name on the quater as a way of keeping awareness that he is still never been caught.
I may have kept the quarter but no idea where it could be.
If he's still alive...since he was kind of a big guy , My guess is that he is working for a logging or construction company in Canada or Alaska that pays under the table or possibly was able to aquire a new ID,since it was fairly easy to do so back in 1994.
DNA has helped close a lot of cold cases,and hopefully someday it will close this one as well.
Another year gone and still no justice for the 3 ladies working at Leather's that fateful night. Ty Theis is still at large. I think the problem is that he's probably very far away from Oregon, and with nothing like AMW, the case is mostly forgotten outside the Portland area. He's also had the chance to turn from a teenager to a 40-something. This case still bothers a lot of people, and my heart to goes out to all those affected by this senseless tragedy.
Amen Baby Girl
I was there that Monday morning needing my weekly gas as I did every Monday. All the lights were on but nobody was home. I started pumping my own gas waiting for someone to come out and take over. I knew everyone there, even Tyrom. As i was filling up, another guy pulled up and asked for gas. I told him I didn't work there and didn't know where everyone was. He too pumped his own gas, and when we were done, we looked around the shop. That's when we found the three ladies lying face down in the garage. We called 911 and within minutes we were surrounded by police. I know the whole story and was interviewed for, and aired on the "Americas Most Wanted" episode. I too know a lot about this case and have my reasons why I believe Tyrom Theis is dead, and has been since a few weeks after he committed the cold blooded killings, shooting three women in the back of the head. Yes, I was the one that checked them for a pulse as 911 requested me to do.I still can remember there skin being as warm as if they were still alive.I was told the time of death was 9 minutes before we called 911.
If he is dead I want to see the body. I will never believe it! His family knows where he is!!
Rosealie was my big sister and I loved her very much😥where are you TYROM?he will answer to his maker someday¡What goes around comes around! Karma has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it!
Not sure how to respond to one post.MGHONEY the caller who reported this Tyrom and his cousin to police was my dad.i remember it well cuz I was pretending to sleep on the couch when my step mom came home from being out all night.she was distraught over it all.reporters followed our family,I had to move across was all on unsolved mysteries.and just for having sex with these guys and being forced to drive them, allegedly,she did 10years in prison.She lost everything in the world and they walked.And it's not for a lack of sympathy for the victims,my mother was murdered working at a 7-112years after this happened,but this wasn't justice.This was political .they ruined our lives to settle down the press and make the public think they did something.
I am currently researching this story for a true crime podcast. Please contact me if you have any connection to this crime. Whether you lived in the area at the time and have thoughts or info, or you know anyone involved. I am open to allowing your identity to remain anon if you prefer.
I've always wondered what evidence they had that the cousin didn't do it. Hell for all 3 that participated.
It’s all rumor and innuendo- but being from Gresham/ Boring my whole life the story I heard was the two accomplices flipped, the police got to a house in rural east county where he was holed up, and a couple of police from two prominent families in the area made him go away and he’s buried on private property in the same area
Did you do your podcast? I still live in Gresham.
U know why tyron hasn't come forward cus he's the cold blooded murdere
I would like to speak to someone who knew him personally. I worked with someone using a different name who was his same height, his same build, smoked Marlboro Reds and I think had lived in Oregon. I don't know if they ever followed up on my tip. When I saw the picture of Tyrom Theis my jaw dropped open because it looked exactly like the person that I had been working with.
Truth Rising who did you report this to? In what state did you work with this person? Interested in any info you may have. I am a family member of one of the victims.
Truth Rising I too am one of the Family Member of one of the victims. Please if You could or would Email Me with any info I would be so grateful. Please email Me @ Please, it would mean so much to so many.
Thank You,
I too am a family member of one of the victims. Please email Me so We can talk more. My email is please don’t hesitate please. I would be way grateful
Thank You,
I too am a family member of one of the victims. Please email Me so We can talk more. My email is please don’t hesitate please. I would be way grateful
Thank You,
I sent you an email.
Working on Season 1 of the "Callous Podcast". Starting interviews. If you are connected to this case or the family/friend of a person connected to this case, please contact me at so that I may tell the FULL story. I am also interested in any tips or theories
Thank you
currently conducting interviews. email me at with info or interest.
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