Monday, October 7, 2024

Unsolved Hardee's Murder in Tennessee

Who Killed Peggy Cox?
By Robert A. Waters

Peggy Cox (pictured above) "wasn't the kind of person that was involved in  nefarious things," said Franklin Police Department Detective Matthew Thompson. "She was a working mother. That's what she did." For years, she manned the drive-thru at Hardee's, raised her children to be diligent citizens, and regularly attended the local Catholic Church. Detectives say Peggy had no known romantic relationships and no irate boyfriends. Her wholesomeness is likely why her murder has never been solved.

The question has always been: what was the motive?

It was nearing midnight on February 1, 1991. The last customer of the day pulled in and placed an order. A roast beef combo. But then, with no warning, he raised a pistol and fired twice. One round pierced Peggy's brain stem and she died instantly. Investigators got no accurate description of the car--it may have been a white Chevy Impala, or maybe a compact blueish gray vehicle.  

Her son, Jude, a cook, heard the shots and watched his mother crumble to the floor. He dropped behind the counter, thinking more shots would be fired. After waiting a few seconds, he rushed to Peggy. For many hours after the shooting, Jude was in a state of severe shock. He could barely speak, and for a time, was unable to even tell investigators what had happened. When cops arrived, he still held onto Peggy's bloody glasses.

There had been no hint of an attempted robbery. Just the order and then gunfire. Jude heard the killer speak into the outside intercom, and later told police the male voice had a slight "twang." Much like many of those who lived in the area.

In the year 1991, Franklin, Tennessee had one murder, that of Peggy Cox. At the time, the town had a population of 20,000 souls. Much of the area was rural, with a country flavor. (Today, Franklin has grown to more than 60,000.)

For 33 years, the murder of Peggy Cox has remained unsolved. The Franklin Police Department has spent tens of thousands of hours attempting to find the answer. At the time, there were no surveillance cameras in the area. There was no DNA, and no witnesses. Without a known motive, leads have been scarce. Local cops have enlisted the FBI, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, and even the Vidocq Society. This group of former highly-skilled detectives provides a fresh look into cold cases. So far, no clues have lead to a solution.

Long before the murder, Peggy's husband died from injuries suffered in a violent car crash. Peggy never remarried and focused on raising her children. There seemed to be no angry suitor from the past who wanted revenge. To many, it seemed like another random murder. Maybe a "thrill-kill."

Could she have had an unknown stalker? While that is unlikely, it's hard to rule anything out in such a baffling case. 

Jude Cox told reporters the family keeps the memory of their mother alive because "if other people keep thinking about it, one day somebody that knows more about it might decide to say something. I still hope everyday that they find out who done it and find out why. Because it just didn't make any sense."

The video below was created by the Franklin Police Department. It's about 8 minutes long and gives a lot of extra information about Peggy Cox's murder. If you have information about this case, please call the Peggy Cox Tip Line at 615-550-8404. There is a $25,000 reward.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Be Careful Who You Let Into Your Life

The Satanist

By Robert A. Waters

UK Daily Mail reported that "Hendersonville [Tennessee] Police said no charges will be filed against the widower of late country music singer Jean Shepard in deaths at his home Saturday.

"Police said Benny Birchfield, Shepard's widower, fired shots to 'neutralize the threat' at Elnora Court over the weekend. Police said Birchfield shot five times in self-defense and killed Travis Sanders, 21. Birchfield said he was trying to protect his granddaughter, Icie Hawkins (pictured above)."

Icie, 18, lived in the furnished basement of Birchfield's home. A former member of  the Osborne Brothers bluegrass band and later a bus driver for rock star Roy Orbison, Birchfield returned home at about 3:00 A.M. on December 17, 2016. He heard Icie's panicked voice and a struggle in the basement. Walking downstairs to investigate, Birchfield, 73, was attacked.

After shooting Sanders, Birchfield called 9-1-1 and retreated to his front lawn.

Investigators found Sanders, with a bloody 10-inch Bowie knife lying beside his body, dead on the basement floor. Icie lay on her bed suffering from numerous stab wounds--she would die enroute to the hospital. Paramedics transported Birchfield to the hospital where he underwent surgery for severe wounds to his face, head, neck and shoulder. He later recovered.

All Icie's friends and family loathed her boyfriend, Travis Sanders. Many repeatedly warned the pretty teen that her relationship with him would cause misery, or even death, to her gentle soul. On several occasions, she attempted to break up with him, but they always ended up getting back together.

Icie was the granddaughter of Country Music Hall of Fame legend Jean Shepard and Harold Franklin "Hawkshaw" Hawkins. A World War II hero and popular country crooner, Hawkins died in the infamous plane crash that killed Patsy Cline and singer Cowboy Copas. After a second marriage ended in divorce, Shepard married Benny Birchfield. They remained together until Shepard died, three months before the murder.

A critical type 1 diabetic, Icie needed daily doses of insulin to control the disease. Her obituary read: "Independent, fearless, with a loving heart, Icie was an 'old soul' that looked at life in a way that you don't often see in our youth today." A talented musician, she favored tunes from the 1960s and 1970s. 

As her grandmother, Jean Shepard, gradually succumbed to Parkinson's disease, Icie moved into the home to help care for her. When Shepard passed, Icie stayed on to assist Bennie. She loved her family and loved life.

Eight months before he died at the hands of Bennie Birchfield, Icie and Travis Sanders began their journey to disaster. She met him through a friend and he immediately became obsessed with the teen. Their relationship was tumultuous, to say the least. 

One former friend described Sanders as a loser, "with no direction in his life." He claimed to be a Satanist, and had cut his fingernails to look like claws. He had an upside-down cross tattooed on his chest. One friend told reporters that Sanders once scrawled "666" and other satanic scribblings onto the pages of her Bible. He loved knives and told friends he enjoyed stabbing small animals to death.

Sanders rarely bathed and, according to many reports, smelled bad all the time. "It was really gross," one of Icie's friends said. "He got in my car once and I told him he smelled really bad. He thought it was funny." She also told reporters he had no ambition except to play video games.

Icie's friends repeatedly begged her to break her ties with him. UK Daily Mail reports that when her mother, Velvet Sloan, learned Sanders was into devil worship, she warned her daughter to end the relationship. "In the summer," Sloan said, "we were in the swimming pool and Icie told me Travis was a Satanist and into devil worship. I said, 'Icie, come on, that's not a man you would want to be involved with.' But she said he had some problems and she was trying to help him. She said people needed other people to help them through things.  I told her guys like that will end up killing you and she just looked at me and said, 'I know, I know.'"

After Sanders stole money from Icie, she decided to break it off. Unfortunately, Sanders smooth-talked her into returning to him.

Shortly after that, he murdered her.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sinkhole Swallows Florida Resident

Into the Abyss with No Way Out

By Robert A. Waters

Just after 11:00 P.M. on February 28, 2013, thirty-seven-year-old Jeffrey Bush (pictured above) went to bed. A roadside assistance worker, i.e., a "road ranger," for the Florida Department of Transportation, Jeffrey had to get up early the following morning.

His brother, Jeremy, along with several other family members, lived in a four-bedroom home on 240 Faithway Drive in Seffner. 

The Tampa Bay Times reported that "Jeremy Bush just went to bed when he heard what sounded like a car hitting the house. Then screams from his brother Jeffrey's bedroom.

"'Help me! Help me!'

"Someone flipped the lights. Jeremy, 36, threw the door open, revealing a sight that defied belief: The earth had opened beneath his brother's bedroom and was swallowing everything in sight. The tip of Jeffrey's mattress was the only thing left, and it was sinking into a churning sinkhole."

Jeremy didn't hesitate. He jumped into the vast hole and reached to grab his brother. An ever-shifting quick-sand-like mound of dirt sucked at Jeremy's legs as his brother disappeared into the black abyss. 

Meanwhile, a family member called 9-1-1.

Jeremy clawed at the dirt, trying to rescue his brother from the cavern. Stunned, Jeremy screamed his brother's name. Over and over. In his panic to save Jeffrey, Jeremy didn't realize that he, too, was in grave danger.

According to USA Today, "within minutes, a sheriff's deputy arrived and helped pull him from the hole, telling him the ground was still crumbling around them...They ran out of the home. No one ever went inside again."

 The family escaped and gathered outside. Hugging, crying, praying, they watched as dozens of rescue vehicles surged into the neighborhood. Cops, EMTs and state experts on natural disasters gathered in clusters, trying to figure out what to do. Should they send a team in to try to save Jeffrey? Should they evacuate neighbors? Could the home be saved, or should it be razed?

Authorities seemed stumped. Jeremy stood in the crowd of neighbors who had now lined up outside. He and other family members were angry that none of the so-called rescuers seemed willing to go into the belly of the beast to try to save Jeffrey. 

Later in the day, Hillsborough County Fire Rescue officials decided to use state of the art equipment to look into the hole. They set up cameras and a listening device and lowered them into the cavern. But soon the ever-moving ground swallowed the equipment. Shortly after that, authorities condemned the home.

Jeremy said, "They say [the hole] keeps getting bigger and I don't think they're going to find him. I think he'll be in that hole forever."

Florida is sometimes called the sinkhole capital of America. The Orlando Sentinel reported that "central Florida--particularly the Interstate 4 corridor--is more susceptible to sinkholes than the rest of the state because of its geology. Its subdivisions, shopping malls, schools and roads are built on Florida's sponge-like crust of limestone, which is full of cavities and cracks that sometimes collapse."

Three days after the sinkhole engulfed much of the home on Faithway Drive, demolition began. A backhoe operator cautiously approached and began tearing apart the cinder-block house. Crews were available to salvage what they could for the family. They managed to save a centuries-old family Bible with baptismal records, a few portraits, a purse, two antique rifles, and a jewelry box. 

Relatives reminisced about Jeffrey. He loved his family, they said, especially his young niece. Just a few days earlier, he had cooked the family a pork chop supper. 

So is Jeffrey still entombed in the earth beneath where his bedroom sat? One theory is that the chasm carried him down into the aquifer. From there, county officials told the family, he may drift into the Alafia River. But an environmental scientist told reporters it's more likely the body "sunk into a 60-foot-tall water-filled void between the sinkhole and the bedrock and is trapped in sediment."

The first cop to arrive at the scene, Hillsborough County Sheriff's Deputy Douglas Duval, spoke to reporters. "These are everyday working people, " he said. "They're good people. You guys out there, if you know these people, if you know this neighborhood, pray for them."

Saturday, August 17, 2024

"We've Got to Hide!"

James III and Acelin Persyn
14-Year-Old Boy Saves University Student

By Robert A. Waters

For obvious reasons, the victim in this story has not been publicly identified. She was kidnapped at gunpoint from the Student Activity Center parking lot of Central Michigan University, driven to a nearby home, and raped. Then her abductor, Eric Ramsey, 30, wrapped her upper body with clear packing tape, pinning her arms to her sides, and forced her into the passenger seat of her own car. He showed the victim two cans of gasoline and told her he planned to kill her and cremate her body. As the car sped along at close to 50-miles-per-hour, the victim managed to open the car door and roll out onto the road. Breaking her arm in the fall, and still wrapped in tape, the victim ran for her life.

Here's where our part of the story starts.

It was nearing midnight in a small Shepherd, Michigan residence. 

The Associated Press reported that "James Persyn III, 14, was home alone with his 11-year-old sister and 2-year-old brother Wednesday night when a Central Michigan University student started banging on the door and screaming for help." 

James, who had been playing video games as his siblings, Acelin and Angus, romped about the living room, later told reporters: "[The victim's] voice was, like, she was going to die if I didn't open that door. I let her in and she asked me if my parents were home. I told her no. She said, 'We've got to hide. I was just kidnapped and I jumped out of a vehicle. We've got to hide now!'"

The teenager saw the woman's battered, bruised, and bloodied face. He noticed her now-useless arm cradled against her chest. But even more horrifying, he observed the victim's body wrapped in that weird-looking packing tape.

James quickly locked the door, then ran to the side door and locked it. He herded his sister and brother and the injured woman into the bathroom. He then ran into his bedroom and retrieved his hunting knife and his dog. As the others cowered in the bath tub, James turned out the lights and used his cell phone to call his father. Then he handed his phone to the victim to call 9-1-1.

Eric Ramsey had stopped his car in the driveway and began trying to force the door open. He screamed over and over, "Let me in or I'll kill you."

James' father, James, Jr., had made a quick run in his car to pick up his fiancee from work. When he got the call from James III, he turned around and flew home. 

John Carlisle, of the Detroit Free Press, described the scene inside the house: "There they were--a rape victim, a dog too friendly to offer much protection, and three frightened children, hiding in the dark, convinced they were about to die at the hands of a man trying to get inside. And the only thing that stood between them and him was a 5-foot-8, 142-pound 14-year-old boy holding a small knife."

Ramsey seemed out-of-control psychotic. But no matter how loud he screamed or how hard he slammed his shoulder against the door, he couldn't get inside. After several minutes, the ex-con ran back to the car, grabbed a can of gasoline, and poured it against the base of the house. Then he lit it and fled.

Acelin had resigned herself to her fate--which she figured was death. She kept calling for James. "I wanted him to come in the bathtub with me and just hug each other and say goodbye," she said. "I didn't know what was going to happen, if we didn't make it, if [the assailant] actually did make it in here and my dad didn't get home in time."

James, Jr., hoping to catch the attacker by surprise, turned off his car lights as he neared his home. But by that time, the man had fled. To the father's horror, however, he saw flames billowing up from the front of the house.

Carlisle wrote: "[James, Jr.] roared up in his car, scrambled out and began throwing his body against the flames to extinguish them. He tried opening the locked doors, but he had no key, so he started trying to break windows to get inside."

Finally, a deputy pulled up. And then, dozens of cops, sirens blazing and lights flashing, seemed to appear out of nowhere. (James, Jr. later said he considered himself lucky he didn't get shot by the first deputy who appeared and thought he was the suspect.) Finally, deputies extinguished the blaze .

The victim was transported to a local hospital. As the story emerged, cops got a bead on where Ramsey was headed. For the next hour, they chased the suspect through several small towns in the area. When they cornered him, he used his cell phone to write a final message on his Facebook page: "Well folkes i'm about to get shot. Peace."

He was right. When he approached officers holding a fake pistol, they gunned him down. After his death, it was learned that he'd just been released early from prison on an assault charge.

NOTE:  This story happened a few years ago. While some armchair critics questioned whether James III should have opened that door, he was given an award for saving the life of the victim.

Monday, July 29, 2024

University of Georgia Murder Went Unsolved for Decades

The Ghastly Death of Jonathan Foundling

By Robert A. Waters

Killing an Innocent

On January 8, 1996, in the basement of Oglethorpe House Residence Hall, or O-House as it is called, two janitors working in the ground-floor women's restroom discovered a grisly sight. The Athens Banner-Herald reported that "custodians cleaning the bathroom found blood on and around a toilet and droplets leading to the trash can, where they reported finding an infant covered in blood." 

The boy had been born, and murdered, only hours earlier.

The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reported: "A baby found in a trash can in a dormitory restroom died of a stab wound to the heart, University of Georgia police said Tuesday. The state crime lab in Atlanta determined that the baby was a full-term white male, and was breathing before being stabbed. The baby had numerous other injuries, police said." Those "other injuries" included several more stab wounds.

Detectives, having no way to identify the child, named him "Johnathan Foundling." Appalled at the circumstances of his death, university police devoted much of its efforts to the investigation. Unfortunately, there seemed little to go on. Hundreds of students and staff were questioned, but none could recall a student who looked pregnant.

UGA police would not let the once-healthy 8-pound baby be buried in a  pauper's grave, as is often the case when an unidentified body is found. Officers led a drive to donate money for a funeral and proper burial. The boy was interred at Evergreen Memorial Park in Athens. UGA police served as pallbearers and more than 200 people attended the funeral. 

The child's marker reads, "Gift of God, Johnathan Foundling."

Despite an intense, decades-long investigation, police were unable to identify the child's mother or father.

Secrets Uncovered

On August 4, 2004, hikers walking the Little River Trail in rural Wilkes County, Georgia, found a young woman's body. Next to her corpse, investigators discovered an empty bottle of sleeping pills. Kathryn Anne Grant had been reported missing by a roommate a few days earlier. Detectives from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation concluded she had driven to the area in her Ford F-150 truck, then walked about 200 yards into a dense forest, and ingested the pills. Grant's death was ruled a suicide.

Investigators found no note. For many years, the reason for her death remained a mystery.

In 2021, University of Georgia investigators still had blood samples and the placenta for Baby Johnathan. In an effort to determine the identity of the child's mother and father, detectives sent the evidence to Othram, Inc., a forensics genealogy lab in Texas. After months of genetic testing, the company got a hit.

The Banner-Herald reported that the lab found the names of two brothers, one of whom would likely be the father of the infant. One of the men (whose name has not been made public) admitted to detectives that in 1995, while a student at UGA, he'd had sex with a student matching the description of the dead girl, but could not remember her full name. He said he thought her last name was "Grant." The man stated that the affair was brief, and he didn't know she was pregnant.

After taking DNA from the father of Kathryn Grant, and comparing it with the murdered child's DNA, UGA finally learned some of the sordid facts surrounding the infanticide. 

Kathryn Grant lived in O-House at the time where she majored in Veterinary Science. Somehow, she was able to hide her pregnancy from roommates and others. After the child's murder, Grant's grades began to fall, and she soon left UGA. Grant later got her degree from another university and worked as a veterinary technologist for the Exotic Animal, Wildlife and Zoological Medical Service at the UGA College of Veterinary Science until her death.

Somehow, Grant managed to live with her conscience for eight years. Then she drove into an isolated patch of woods and killed herself. While there was no note, it's likely the killing of her infant son tore at her soul, night and day, until she could no longer stand it.

NOTE: Webster dictionary defines foundling as "an infant found after its unknown parents have abandoned it."

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sex Offender Shot by Woman Home Alone

 Jayson Magrum
The Equalizer

By Robert A. Waters

On the afternoon of August 11, 2023, Pima County Sheriff's Department deputies arrived with sirens blazing to a neat residence in Tucson, Arizona. Cops quickly spied a body lying in the middle of the driveway. Blood pooled the concrete around him, and trailed back to the front of the house.

Deputies applied chest compressions to the man, but he was already dead.

Sandra Stacy, 54, the homeowner, was shaken...but alive!

FOX 10 News reported that "a convicted sex offender was shot and killed by an Arizona woman as he tried to break into her home last Friday...

"The fatal encounter occurred about 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 11, at a residence near Garvey and Pyle Roads in Tucson when a woman defended herself by fatally shooting the man attempting to break into her house.

"The 54-year-old woman was home alone when the suspect, identified as Jayson Magrum, 42, tried to break into her residence, the Pima County Sherriff's Department said.

"The woman saw Magrum...and began yelling at him to leave, yet he reportedly continued in his efforts to gain access to the house.

"As a result, the woman obtained a firearm and defended herself.

"The female armed herself with a handgun and fired a shot out of a window to attempt to scare the male away.

"Following the warning shot, Magrum reportedly reached into the home and tried to disarm the woman, but she opened fire and struck the intruder..."

After being shot, Magrum tried to flee. He made it as far as the driveway where he collapsed and died.

News reports stated that the dead man was a registered sex offender in Utah.

The Arizona Republic reported "Magrum had a lengthy criminal record with Pima County, including at least eight charges dating back to 2006. Among them: multiple charges of threatening or intimidating, disorderly conduct as well as assault. Most recently, a case filed in Pima County Justice Court in January says Magrum was accused of threatening to cause damage to the property of another."

NOTE: I could only find four news articles describing this case. The stories were brief, without much detail, and poorly written. I'd like to know more. For instance, what kind of gun was used? Had Magrum been stalking Tracy? (Although she didn't know her attacker, he lived nearby.) Why didn't this case receive more publicity?

I did find one brief article about why he was labeled a Registered Sex Offender. On March 21, 2001, the Gunnison Valley News reported: "MAGRUM, Jayson Keith, 20, Elsinore, Utah, committed to jail for 6 months on a commitment out of District Court for attempted forcible sexual abuse."

It's likely Sandra Tracy would have been yet another victim of violent sexual attack had she not used an "equalizer" to protect herself.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Murdered for Four Bucks and a Nickel

The Sad Death of Morris "Rick" Fleming
By Robert A. Waters

It was March 5, 1986. Standing in the shadows of a patch of woods, Jerry Wickham (pictured) waited. Stone-broke, his battered old car was running on fumes. But he had a plan. On the grass beside a rural road, his vehicle sat with its hood up. Two bedraggled-looking women stood in front of the car.

One day earlier, this "odyssey" had started in Gaylesville, Alabama. Ten family members and friends, with Jerry Wickham the leader, had packed into two cars and headed out for Tampa, Florida. The trip was poorly planned, and they had no real prospects in Tampa, but they drove toward that city, ending up on U. S. Highway 319 near the Georgia-Florida line. Court documents reported that, along the way, the group members "consumed large quantities of alcohol and drugs."

Sylvia, Wickham's wife, held a baby so passing motorists would notice. Tammy Jordan, Wickham's daughter-in-law, stood close to the road to flag down a driver. (The second car had been stowed out of sight a mile away.)

Morris F. "Rick" Fleming drove a baby-blue 1977 Grand Prix. He noticed the women and braked to a stop. The twenty-seven-year-old, a loan officer for Blazer Finance Company, had a wife and young daughter at home. A regular church-goer, Fleming was known for helping those in need. Sylvia told him her car had broken down. As Rick leaned over to check out the engine, he never saw Jerry Wickham step out of the woods. 

Rick fiddled with the motor and concluded there was nothing amiss. It was then he noticed Wickham coming toward him holding a .22-caliber revolver. Rick, recognizing the threat, turned and began to walk back to his own car.

Wickham fired. The first bullet hit Rick in the back, near his shoulder. It spun him around and he fell to the ground. As he lay dazed, Wickham fired again, placing a bullet into Rick's chest. A Florida appeals court later wrote that "while Fleming pled for his life, Wickham shot the victim twice in the head. He then dragged the body away from the roadside and rummaged through Fleming's pockets. He found only four dollars and five cents." (NOTE: my italics.)

Turning to Sylvia, Wickham screamed, "Why didn't you stop someone with more money?" In shock, Sylvia burst into tears. She had been against the robbery all along, telling Wickham they could go to a church and get money. But he had decided on the robbery.

According to court documents, "the group drove to a gas station and put two dollars' worth of gas in one of the cars, and two dollars' worth in a gas can [which they put in the second car]. Wickham then changed his clothes and threw his bloodstained pants and shoes into a dumpster. Wickham directed one of the others to throw the empty bullet casings and live rounds out the window."

They later stopped at a church and obtained enough gas money to take them to Tampa.

Soon after the robbers left, a passerby spotted Rick's body and contacted police.
For nearly two years, cops had little luck in determining the identity of Rick's murderers. Then, in Ocala, Florida, a man charged with burglary decided to make a deal with investigators. For a reduced charge, the thief said he would tell cops about an unsolved murder that occurred near Tallahassee. He said he'd been with the group that murdered Rick Fleming.

Leon County Sheriff's Office investigators arrested Jerry Wickham. On December 8, 1988, a Florida court gave him an early Christmas present. Jurors found him guilty of First Degree Murder and Armed Robbery with a firearm and sentenced him to death.

Sylvia Wickham was convicted of Second Degree Murder and sentenced to 17 years in prison. Several other members of the group were convicted of lesser crimes. 

For 36 years, Jerry Wickham has cheated justice. He has filed appeal after appeal, all of which have been denied. Due to the broken criminal justice system in Florida, he'll likely die in prison before he comes up close and personal with a poison needle.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Coast-to-Coast Killer

Hiking Toward a Nightmare
By Robert A. Waters

On August 8, 2023, the Baltimore Sun reported "police have opened a homicide investigation after a dead body, believed to be a woman recently reported missing, was found Sunday afternoon near a popular trail in Bel Air (Maryland)..."

Rachel Hannah Morin, 37, had been reported missing on August 6. A mother of five, Rachel was a fitness enthusiast. Late in the afternoon, she drove to the Maryland and Pennsylvania Trail (also called the Ma-Pa Trail) and began jogging through the heavily forested park. When she failed to return home, her boyfriend, Richard Tobin, reported her missing.

The next morning, a tracker named Michael Gabriszeski, with the help of his daughter, Cynthia, found Rachel's body in a drainage tunnel about 70 yards off the trail. Although this information had not yet been released by authorities, Gabriszeski told Daily Mail that Rachel "was laying on her back, fully naked, and she had brutal head looked like her head had been smashed in with a rock." A blood trail leading to the tunnel helped Gabriszeski find the body.

WBALTV confirmed the tracker's account, reporting that "Martinez-Hernandez laid in wait for Morin as she was out for a jog. Prosecutors said he then attacked and dragged her through the woods to a drainage ditch tunnel. The medical examiner found 10-15 head wounds, and the report indicated Morin died from blunt force trauma and strangulation."

From the start, this case had the feel of a stranger-on-stranger crime. The Harford County district attorney told reporters "it was the most brutal and violent offense that has ever happened in Harford County."

Harford County Sheriff Jeff Gahler quickly called in the FBI for assistance. The killer had left DNA, so investigators obtained a genetic profile and entered it into CODIS, the FBI databank. 

They quickly got a hit.

In Los Angeles, 2,657 miles from Harford County, a mother and her nine-year-old daughter had managed to survive a violent home invasion. An unidentified Hispanic male broke into the home and sexually assaulted the two. Police speculated he would likely have murdered them, but another member of the household interrupted the attack. Doorbell camera footage recorded the intruder fleeing the home. After LAPD entered the killer's DNA profile into CODIS, they got the call from Harford County.

It took ten months, but, using genetic genealogy, investigators determined the suspect to be Victor Martinez Hernandez. According to Daily Mail, "Hernandez had illegally crossed the southern border in February 2023 after he also allegedly murdered another woman in El Salvador a month earlier."

Law enforcement officers gave reporters a timeline of the alleged crimes of Hernandez. According to police, Hernandez murdered the El Salvador woman in January. In March, investigators claim he assaulted the mother and daughter in California. Then in August, his DNA profile matched that of the rapist and killer of Rachel in Maryland.

FBI agent Bill DelBango informed reporters that "our investigative genetic genealogy team in Baltimore worked countless hours to identify the suspect by using crime scene DNA and tracing that DNA to potential family members."  

In June, 2024, cops captured Hernandez in a bar in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

He has been extradited back to Maryland.

So how many other victims has Hernandez assaulted or murdered? A reputed gang member, he had no problem traveling the length of the United States more than once in a ten-month period. Where did he obtain funds to travel? Why is our border wide open to unvetted criminals and terrorists? At least ten million known illegal aliens from every country in the world have come unimpeded into our country since 2020. There are likely millions more "getaways," (i.e., unknown migrants).

Why is Rachel Morin dead? Why isn't she living her normal life today? Why is her family grieving her untimely death?

At a press conference, Sheriff Gahler echoed the thoughts of millions of Americans. "Victor Hernandez," he said, "did not come to this country to make a better life for him or his family, he came here to escape the crimes he committed in El Salvador. He came here to murder Rachel and, God willing, no one else. But that should never have been allowed to happen." (NOTE: my italics)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

9-1-1 Calls, Bodycam Footage, and Arrest Video in Julian Wood Murder

Bionca Ellis has been arrested for the stabbing of Margot Wood, 37, and the murder of her three-year-old son, Julian Wood.

This dramatic video from Law & Crime Network shows the scene outside Giant Eagle store in North Olmsted, Ohio seconds after the attack. The murder seems to be yet another random crime. The video lasts for 21 minutes.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Murder in Micanopy

 Pearle Bartley
55 Years Later, Pearle Bartley's Murder is still Unsolved

By Robert A. Waters

According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), there are at least 350,000 unsolved murders in America. In Florida, 20,000 cases have gone cold. Florida's clearance rate on murders is the national average, about 66%, meaning one-third of murders in the state are still open. I find those numbers staggering. How many killers live among us? In 1969, a 72-year-old store owner met a gruesome death in a historic central Florida town. There isn't a great deal of information about the case, but here's what is known.

Micanopy, named after a Seminole chieftain, was founded in 1821. It is the oldest inland town in the state. During the Seminole Indian wars, many residents holed up in Fort Defiance, located near the town. In 1836, Seminole chief Osceola unsuccessfully attacked the fort. After a battle lasting a little more than an hour, Osceola retreated. More soldiers in Fort Defiance died of malaria than fighting Indians. Major J. F. Hieleman, who led the counter-attack on Osceola, perished from the disease a few days after the battle.

In 1969, Micanopy had a population of about 750. Pearle Bartley, born in 1897, owned a small general store there. Called "Pearle's Place," she resided alone in a home attached to the store. On October 29, two customers walked into the business and found her lying on the floor. She'd been strangled to death and money was missing from the cash drawer.

Pearle's granddaughter, Marci Buchanan, said, "She was a very caring, gentle, docile person. She would have given anybody anything. So it just really shocked our family she was murdered like that." Marci remembers Pearle playing the "Missouri Waltz" on the piano. She told reporters her grandmother taught her to "tend a garden and crochet."

Micanopy lies about 12 miles south of Gainesville and 26 miles north of Ocala. Today it still has a population of less than 1,000. Canopied by hundreds of huge oak trees, the village is known for its eclectic mix of stores that sell vintage books, art, crafts, rare jewelry, music, and antiques. Many of the businesses are located in 19th century-era  buildings (see picture below). The town has no police force, so the Alachua County Sheriff's Office investigates any major criminal activity in the area.

After the murder, Alachua County homicide investigator Kevin Allen said deputies set up roadblocks to question drivers coming into or going out of Micanopy. While canvassing the area, many residents had noticed "that there was a blue or black motorcycle at or around the scene at the time of the homicide." No local citizen was known to own such a motorcycle.

Decades after the murder, two suspects emerged. Georgia serial killer Carlton Gary (pictured below) resided in Gainesville at the time of the murder. Pearle fit the killer's profile--he enjoyed strangling elderly white women to death while raping them. (Investigators have never said whether Pearle was sexually assaulted.)

A fingerprint found at the crime scene did not match Gary. Detective Allen spoke with Gary while he was on death row and said "he made admissions to almost every crime he had committed including robberies and burglaries, but he said he was not involved with any sexual murders of elderly females in Georgia or the state of Florida." On March 15, 2018, the killer was executed for the rapes and murders of three women in Georgia.

The fingerprint had been lifted off a Coca Cola cooler that sat near the body of Pearle. It came back to a "hustler and con-man" named Austin Felker. According to Allen, Felker had recently moved to Florida and "was the new owner of a blue and black motorcycle." But he had no history of violence. Was he the killer or just a customer? It's likely no one will ever know since he died many years ago.

The murder of Pearle Bartley is still being investigated. It speaks highly of Detective Allen and others who won't let the coldest of cases rest.